
Arthrodesis procedures are employed for joints affected by severe ligament injuries, hyperextension injuries, articular fractures with small irreparable fragments, and severe degenerative joint diseases causing pain (e.g., chronic severe arthritis).
The primary objective of the surgery is to fuse the joint at a standard angle to halt joint movement and alleviate pain.
The procedure entails aggressive cartilage debridement and joint stabilisation using a plate; occasionally, temporary additional support with pins and bars may be necessary.
Before placing the plate, the joint gap is filled with a bone graft harvested from another bone (commonly the top of the humerus or the wing of the ilium) or with a bone graft from a bone bank.
In most cases, the plates are not removed. However, under certain conditions such as infections, plate loosening, or skin irritation, a second surgery may be required for plate removal.
After bone healing, the leg's function is excellent in the majority of cases.